Bu Hafta Çıkacak Oyunlar (6 - 10 Kasım)

06.11.2017 01:11 Gazali Çetinkaya

   6 Kasım Pazartesi,
- Death Coming (PC Erken Erişim)
   7 Kasım Salı,

- Sonic Forces (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC)
- Nioh: Complete Edition (PC)
- Hitman: Game of the Year Edition (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
- Horizon Zero Dawn - The Frozen Wilds (PS4)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Season İki Bölüm Dört (PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mobil)
Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy Bölüm Beş (PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mobil)
- Super Lucky's Tale (Xbox One, PC)
- The Elder Scrolls Online - Clockwork City (PS4, Xbox One)
- Hand of Fate 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
- Heroes of the Monkey Tavern (Switch)
- Space Pirates and Zombies 2 (PC)
- Assault Android Cactus (Xbox One)
- Way of Redemption (PS4, PC)
   8 Kasım Çarşamba,

- Punch Planet (PC Erken Erişim)
- 911 Operator (Xbox One)
   9 Kasım Perşembe,

- The Colonists (PC Erken Erişim)
- Ace of Seafood (PS4)
- Tallowmere (Switch)
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Switch)
- Maldita Castilla EX: Cursed Castilla (PS Vita)
   10 Kasım Cuma,

- DOOM (Switch)
- Need for Speed Payback (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
- Football Manager 2018 (PC, Mobil)
- Wuppo (PS4, Xbox One)
- Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy (PC)
- Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (PS4)
- Cat Quest (PS4)
- Snipperclips Plus: Cut it Out Together! (Switch)

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