Rock Band The Beatles’ta 45 Şarkı Olacak

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24.07.2009 14:37 Ersin Kılıç

9 Eylülde oyunseverler ile buluşacak olan The Beatles Rock Band’ta toplamda 45 şarkı bulunacağı doğrulandı.

Bu şarkılardan şu ana kadar resmi olarak 25 tanesi açıklandı. İşte açıklanan şarkı listesi ;

1. “Back in the U.S.S.R.” by The Beatles
2. “Can’t Buy Me Love” by The Beatles
3. “Day Tripper” by The Beatles
4. “Eight Days a Week” by The Beatles
5. “Get Back” by The Beatles
6. “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles
7. “I Am the Walrus” by The Beatles
8. “I Feel Fine” by The Beatles
9. “I Saw Her Standing There” by The Beatles
10. “I Want to Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles
11. “Octopus’s Garden” by The Beatles
12. “Paperback Writer” by The Beatles
13. “Revolution” by The Beatles
14. “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” by The Beatles
15. “Taxman” by The Beatles
16. “Twist and Shout” by The Beatles
17. “Within You Without You” by The Beatles
18. “Yellow Submarine” by The Beatles
19. “With A Little Help From My Friends” by The Beatles
20. “Birthday” by The Beatles
21. “I Got a Feeling” by The Beatles
22. “Dig a Pony” by The Beatles
23. “Do You Want To Know A Secret” by The Beatles
24. “I Wanna Be Your Man” by The Beatles
25. “And Your Bird Can Sing” by The Beatles

İlgili İçerik Oyunun Künyesi
Rock Band: The Beatles Platformlar: PS3 XBOX 360 Wii Geliştirici: Harmonix Dağıtıcısı: 1C Publishing Tür: Müzik Çıkış Tarihi: 9 Eylül 2009
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