Uncharted 2, Trophy Listesi Açıklandı

Oyunun ilk multiplayer betası Haziran ayında yapılmıştı.
13.09.2009 16:18 Ersin Kılıç

Bu ay sonunda multiplayer betası çıkacak olan Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves için Trophy listesi açıklandı.

 İşte oyunda bulunan trophy ödülleri ;
First Treasure : Bronze Trophy
Find one treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find ten treasures
Novice Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find 20 Treasures
Cadet Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find 30 treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find 40 treasures
Practiced Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find 50 treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find 60 treasures
Professional Fortune Hunter  : Bronze Trophy
Find 70 treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find 80 treasures
Crack Fortune Hunter : Bronze Trophy
Find 90 treasures
Relic Finder : Bronze Trophy
Find the Strange Relic
20 Headshots : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 20 enemies with headshots
100 Headshots : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 100 enemies with headshots
Headshot Expert : Bronze Trophy
Defeat five enemies in a row with headshots
Run-and-Gunner : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1)
Hangman : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging
50 Kills: 92FS - 9mm : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 50 enemies with the 92FS - 9mm
50 Kills: Micro - 9mm : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 50 enemies with the Micro - 9mm
30 Kills: Wes - 44 : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 30 enemies with the Wes - 44
30 Kills: Desert - 5 : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 30 enemies with the Desert - 5
20 Kills: Pistole : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 20 enemies with the Pistole
70 Kills: FAL : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 70 enemies with the FAL
70 Kills: M4 : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 70 enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: Moss - 12 : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 30 enemies with the Moss - 12
70 Kills: SAS - 12 : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 70 enemies with the SAS - 12
50 Kills: M32 - Hammer : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 50 enemies with the M32
30 Kills: RPG - 7 : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG - 7
200 Kills: GAU - 19 : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 200 enemies with the GAU - 19
30 Kills: Mk-NDI : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI
Triple Dyno-Might : Bronze Trophy
Defeat three enemies with one explosion
Grenade Hangman : Bronze Trophy
Defeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging
Bare-knuckle Brawler : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
Steel Fist Master : Bronze Trophy
Defeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire
Thrillseeker : Bronze Trophy
Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game
Buddy System :  Bronze Trophy
Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game
Master Fortune Hunter :  Silver Trophy
Find all 100 treasures
Survivor : Silver Trophy
Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying
250 Headshots : Silver Trophy
Defeat 250 enemies with headshots
Bare-knuckle Slugger : Silver Trophy
Defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knuckle Expert : Silver Trophy
Defeat ten enemies in a row with hand-to-hand combat
Master Ninja : Silver Trophy
Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks
Steel Fist Expert : Silver Trophy
Defeat ten enemies in a row with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire
Charted - Easy : Silver Trophy
Finish the game in Easy Mode
Charted - Normal : Gold Trophy
Finish the game in Normal Mode
Charted - Hard : Gold Trophy
Finish the game in Hard Mode
Charted - Crushing : Gold Trophy
Finish the game in Crushing Mode
Platinum : Platinum Trophy

İlgili İçerik Oyunun Künyesi
Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves Platformlar: PS3 Geliştirici: Naughty Dog Dağıtıcısı: SCEE Tür: Adventure Çıkış Tarihi: 16 Ekim 2009
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