SC: Blacklist'in Achievement'ları Göründü

24.07.2013 16:57 Tunahan Başol

    Çıkışına 1 aydan az bir süre kalan Splinter Cell: Blacklist'in achievement(başarım) listesi, alıştığımız üzere, oyun çıkışını yapmadan ortaya çıktı. Aşağıda 11'i gizli, toplam 47 achievement'ı bulabilirsiniz. Açıklama kısmında hikayeden bazı detaylar yer aldığı için SPOILER uyarısını şimdiden yapalım.
4th Echelon Status Confirmed- 30G
Stopped the Blacklist

4th Echelon Commendation – 60G
Completed every single player mission on Realistic difficulty

4th Echelon Officer – 100G
Completed every single player mission on Perfectionist difficulty

HVTs Secured – 10G
Captured 20 High-Value Targets

Intel Acquired – 10G
Collected 24 Dead Drop flash drives

Data Security – 10G
Hacked 23 Blacklist Laptops

Upgraded Gear Accessed – 10G
Fully upgraded one gun

C&C Optimized – 20G
Paladin fully upgraded

Tactical Style: Ghost – 25G
Mastered Ghost playstyle

Tactical Style: Panther – 25G
Mastered Panther playstyle

Tactical Style: Assault – 25G
Mastered Assault playstyle

Evidence Concealed – 10G
Hid 5 bodies in containers

No Kill Option Engaged – 50G
Completed the single player campaign without killing anyone as Sam Fisher

Distraction Tactician – 10G
Stealthily took down an enemy who’d been lured by sound

Tri-Rotor Functionality – 10G
Used the Tri-Rotor to disable a security device

Enhanced Lethality Demonstrated – 10G
Mastered Mark & Execute

Hostile Shield Secured – 10
Snuck up & stole the shield from a Shielded Infantryman

Hostages Secured – 10G
Saved the hostages in the Transit Yards

Mission Footprint Zero – 10G
Completed a single player mission undetected

Combined Op Successful – 10G
Completed a COOP mission with a teammate

Infiltration Operator – 30G
Completed all of Anna Grímsdóttir’s 4th Echelon Missions

Extraction Operator- 30G
Completed all of Charlie Cole’s 4th Echelon Missions

Combined Operator – 30G
Completed all of Isaac Briggs ‘s 4th Echelon Missions

Elite Killing Team – 15G
Dual Executed a helmeted enemy

Lead Interrogator – 10G
Won the COOP interrogation in VORON Station

ShadowNet Online – 5G
Logged into ShadowNet for the first time

Officer of the Day – 15G
Completed a Daily Challenge

Seven Day Duty Shift – 30G
Completed a Spies vs Mercs Weekly Challenge

Support Ops – 15G
Assisted teammates in 10 Spies vs Mercs objectives

Lethal Versatility – 100G
Won a match in every Spies vs Mercs game mode

Firearm Accessed – 15G
Unlocked a Merc’s Light Machine Gun

Personal Kit – 15G
Unlocked a custom loadout slot for Spy or Merc

Trusted Agent – 50G
Achieved Rank 10 in Spies vs Mercs

Rated Hacker – 25G
Hacked a terminal in a Spies vs Mercs SvM Blacklist or SvM Classic match

Rated Intel Courier – 15G
Carried home the intel in a Spies vs Mercs Extraction match

Rated Aggressor – 15G
Captured a control point in a Spies vs Mercs Uplink Con

İlgili İçerik Oyunun Künyesi
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Platformlar: ÇOKLU PLATFORM Geliştirici: Ubisoft Dağıtıcısı: Ubisoft Tür: Tactical Çıkış Tarihi: 20 Ağustos 2013
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