SC: Conviction'ın Minimum Sistem Gereksinimleri

02.03.2010 03:11 Alkan Adakaner

     Ubisoft'un merakla beklenen oyunu Splinter Cell: Conviction'ın minimum sistem gereksinimlerinin yanı sıra Achievement listesi de açıklandı.

     Nisan ayında PC'nin yanı sıra Xbox 360 için de piyasaya çıkacak oyunun satış rakamlarının oldukça yüksek olması bekleniyor.
                                Minimum sistem gereksinimi
* CPU: Core 2 Duo ( 1.8 Ghz) or Athlon X2 64 (2.4 Ghz)
* RAM: 1.5 GB RAM (WinXP), 2 GB RAM (Vista/Win7)
* Ekran kartı: GeForce 7800 or Radeon X1800 with 256 MB
* Hard disk boşluğu: 10 GigaByte
* 1 MBit/s internet bağlantısı
                                       Achievement listesi
 1. Realistic Difficulty: Complete single player story on "Realistic" difficulty (50).
2. Co-op Realistic Difficulty: Complete the co-op story on "Realistic" difficulty (50).
3. Quality Time: Invite a friend to join and participate in a co-op story or game mode session (20).
4. Hunter: Complete any 1 map in "Hunter" game mode in co-op (10).
5. Last Stand: Complete any 1 map in "Last Stand" game mode in co-op (10).
6. Hunter Completionist: Complete all maps in "Hunter" game mode on rookie or normal difficulty (20).
7. Hunter Master: Complete all maps in "Hunter" game mode on realistic difficulty (50).
8. Last Stand Completionist: Complete all maps in "Last Stand" game mode on rookie or normal difficulty (20).
9. Last Stand Master: Complete all maps in "Last Stand" game mode on realistic difficulty (50).
10. Face-Off Completionist: Complete all maps in "Face-Off" game mode using any connection type (20).
11. Face Off: Win one match in "Face-Off" game mode on any difficulty (10).
12. Preparation Master: Complete all prepare & execute challenges (30).
13. Stealth Master: Complete all vanish challenges (30).
14. Best Of The Best: Complete all Splinter Cell challenges (30).
15. Well-Rounded: Complete all challenges (50).
16. Weapon Upgraded: Purchase all 3 upgrades for any 1 weapon (10).
17. Gadget Upgraded: Purchase all 3 upgrades for any 1 gadget (10).
18. Weapons Expert: Purchase all 3 upgrades for all weapons (20).
19. Gadgets Expert: Purchase both upgrades for all gadgets (20).
20. Weapons Collector: Unlock all weapons in the weapon vault (20).
21. Variety: Purchase any 1 uniform (10).
22. Accessorizing : Purchase any 1 accessory for any 1 uniform (10).
23. Ready For Anything: Purchase all 9 accessories for all uniforms (20).
24. Fashionable: Purchase all 6 texture variants for all uniforms (20).
25. Perfect Hunter: Complete any map in Hunter without ever having been detected on realistic difficulty (20).
26. Last Man Standing: In Last Stand, survive all enemy waves of any map in one session without failing on any difficulty (50).
27. Revelations: Discover Anna Grimsdottir's dark secret (20).
Gizli Achievement'lar

1. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
2. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
3. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
4. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
5. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
6. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
7. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
8. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
9. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
10. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
11. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
12. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
13. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
14. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
15. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (20).
16. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (10).
17. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (10).
18. Secret Achievement: Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement (10).

İlgili İçerik Oyunun Künyesi
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction Platformlar: PC XBOX 360 Mobil Geliştirici: Ubisoft Dağıtıcısı: Ubisoft Tür: Tactical Çıkış Tarihi: 14 Nisan 2010
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